Drowning Nightmare (Animation)
WARNING - This animation contains horror and perilous themes, including graphic depictions of drowning. Viewer descretion is strongly advised. This is purely a work of fiction!
A young swimmer, June, finds herself tied to the bottom of a pool ladder underwater. She struggles and tries to hold her breath as long as she can, but she can't fight the urge to breathe forever. Will she survive this nightmare she's found herself in?
This is my first real attempt at making an animation sequence. Consisting of several animation loops depicting struggling, chest convulsions and water inhalation. Again, please be aware of the nature of the content before purchasing.
The animation is a little crude, but creating this was a good learning experience and I hope to produce more animations in the future! (They probably won't be as long, though).
Animated in Clip Studio Paint.
1x mp4 video file. Runtime: 4:13